Tuesday, March 22, 2011

True Cod

My sister Marcia taught me how to cook true cod: Simply put it in the oven with butter, garlic and maybe a little wine (I'm not sure if I added that last bit or if she did!). Bake it at 350 until it flakes.

I make my own tartar sauce, mostly because I'm cheap:
mix: Mayo, dill relish (1-2 tablespoons), a large squirt of creamy dressing (ranch, Caesar etc.) a small squirt of mustard, add onions if you like them.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

About the tartar sauce, my motto has always been you can never have too many pickles--or pickle juice.

Once when I was pregnant and making potato salad I was very liberal with the pickle juice (I grabbed the jar and poured it in.) My brother, Grant, was watching and couldn't hardly contain himself...starring at me and making funny sounds. Looking over at him, I said "you can never have too many pickles or pickle juice."